Sunday, March 15, 2009

Broncoscopy, Post Day 2

We know this journey may resemble a roller coaster. Each of us will take turns, emotionally, up and down. I would like to think of today as an "up" day for our dad.

While our dad had more sleep last night that he has had since the surgery--close to 5 hours--he spent the remainder of the night with frequent visits from various staff. As the new day began, he was put to work immediately, with physical and occupational therapy and cardiac rehabilitation. He had his first walk of the day before 9am. The prep for the Bronsoscopy followed shortly thereafter.

We met our dad in the prep area for the Broncoscopy. A substantial team of nurses had him prepped for the procedure while his surgeon, Dr. Krishnan, watched and his pulmonologist, Dr. Nadeem, performed the procedure. Dr. Nadeem reported that our dad's left lung actually looked good during the procedure. He was happy about how it presented, but "washed" it as a good faith measure. He noticed a substantial amount of secretion in the right lung, likely a response from the right lung to take over due to trauma of the left side. Dr. Nadeem used the procedure to clean up the secretions, collect them as specimens, and culture them to rule out any infections. Results may take up to 48 hours. Again, we wait.

We see our dad post-procedure and he is quite groggy, but surprisingly talkative. He slurs his speech, yet seems happy to know we are close. As we remark to him about the positive news, he tries to speak, but says he "feels like he sounds like Donald Duck," which is funny to us because our oh-so-serious dad is making jokes. Carl, seeing our dad for the first time since his surgery, curiously states that he hasn't heard our dad talk so much in years. :)

Later, we try to let our dad get rest and regroup. We see him in the early afternoon and he seems remarkably different from yesterday. He is happy to have us in his company and spends the rest of the day willing to exhibit his ever-present work ethic with his breathing exercises. He uses his Incentives Spirometer and "flutter puffer" dilligently every 15 minutes, sits in his chair for several hours, takes his required walks, eats a "transitional" meal without nausea, and visits with us and our family visitors with conversation and enjoyment. We observe our dad interacting with humor and wit. We are charmed. We all share real smiles and have genuine laughs with him.

Our dad is surprised and moved by his visitors today. Aside from us--his regulars--he is also pleased to have the company of Aunt Margie, and, later, his sister Santa, his nephew Joe, his niece Mary and her husband Mike. Kevin is able to see our dad today for the first time since the surgery, too. His nephew Tom's daughter Keisha makes a pleasantly surprising visit later in the evening. And our dad is able to see Carmelo and Michelle's children, Carmelo, Madisen, Vincent, and Dominic. A busy day for certain, but one filled with intentions of support and love for our dearly loved dad.

We see today as a hopeful one. Our dad, while physically still quite debilitated, seemed markedly more motivated than yesterday. His Broncoscopy undoubtedly facilitated his physical need for breathing room. Equally important though, we saw a slice of his spirit alive again today.

He asks us to attend his regular mass tomorrow morning, to pray for him, and speak with his priest and longtime friend, Father Carl Last, following St. John's Cathedral 9:30am mass. We assure him we will be there praying with our mom, as he and our mom never miss a liturgy together. We kiss him goodnight with the hope that he will rest and the promise that we will never leave him feeling abandoned.


  1. Angela, thank you so much for sharing your private thoughts with us and keeping us so well-informed as to your Dad's condition. We have been praying for him every day, and I said a special prayer for him in church today. He is so lucky to have all of there to support him. He is so loved by all of you and his extended family and friends. Please tell him how much we love him and are praying for him. What a great person he is! We know he is being watched over by God and by all who love him. Love, Mary and the rest of the Bransons

  2. I am now googlized.
    I'm just amazed how you capture the true nature of your father, the "Quiet Man", the John Wayne of today. The much loved man!
    Your dad has joined Uncle Tom on the Knights of Columbus Prayer List, and with St. Patty's Day and St. Joseph's day coming up this week, I know he will feel the Lord's healing power from all the Irish and Italian prayers.
    As always, our love and prayers to your father and the entire family.
    Uncle Ed & Aunt Peggy
